Pilar Sanders Speaks Out After Spending Night In Jail, “I haven’t been given a fair shake…”

The drama surrounding Deion Sanders’ tumultuous marriage to his estranged wife, Pilar, has continued two days after the couple was involved in misdemeanor assault charges. We’ve now learned that after the incident (Deion called the police, alleging Pilar had jumped him in his bedroom), Deion has been cited for misdemeanor simple assault, which is a charge that covers any act considered aggressive carrying a fine of up to $500.

A day after Pilar was arrested, Deion tweeted:

“Joy came this morning and we opened the door and let Joy in.”

Meanwhile Pilar, who was charged with misdemeanor assault and held overnight in county jail, was released Tuesday and told the press:

“I’m a full-time mom, 100 percent for my children…And I just haven’t been given a fair shake.”

The Sanders’ divorce file is under seal and a judge has placed both sides under a gag order. A judge ordered Pilar to stay away from their home for 60 days and also barred her from threatening or harassing her husband. [Associated Press]