“Diddy-the-Diva” Requests A Sh*t Load of Money for After Party

Popular New York clubs like the Hudson Terrace and Pachahave have passed over a Diddy Dirty Money after-party. Why? Because he’s asking for too much damn money. According to Page Six, to host an after party, Diddy’s folks have requested as much as $45,000, with $25,000 payable three days before the actual event. Diddy, who is touring smaller venues to promote the “Last Train to Paris” has already booked Hammerstein Ballroom on April 22. NY club owners feel like his rates are too expensive. One promoter shared, “It’s unlikely that [a club] in New York would pay that amount. For that amount of money, Vegas makes sense. That’s normal for Vegas. New York doesn’t work like that.”

Although he’s requesting what folks say is a sh*t-load of cash, his rider seems pretty fair. His rider for a West Orange club includes, a waitress assigned specifically to his posse (sounds reasonable to me), 12 bottles of Ciroc vodka (hell, of course), 10 bottles of Moët rose Champagne, two bottles of Patron Platinum, five bottles of Hypnotiq (people still drink that?) and clean ice (I guess he wants sanitized ice). In all honesty, I didn’t think that $45k sounded extreme. I guess when you think about it, he’s probably there all of 60 minutes, so maybe it actually isn’t worth it.