Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’s Sas Shot In Head [VIDEO]

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Very alarming news! Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’s Sas was shot in the head, but is doing well. Sas, who is an aspiring rapper and appears on the show along with his mother Karen ‘KK’ King and Scrap Deleon, posted a photo of him in a hospital bed. In the photo, one can see that the back of his head is bleeding. Sharing the photo on Instagram, he writes:

Bullet in the bacc of my head they said Ima be aight tho #PRAY4ME #PRAISEBETOALLAH

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He also posted the video below in Instagram.

Sas has not confirmed what actually happened. However, there are UNCONFIRMED reports that the incident happened while he was vacationing away from in Atlanta in Arizona. We hear that the bullet was not meant for him and was result from another altercation that had nothing to do with him.

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Authored by: TJB Writer