Lisa Raye Still Beefing w/ Rocsi?

I’m a fan of both Lisa Raye and Rocsi. For those of you who give a damn, the drama still ensues w/ these two. Quick backstory–Lisa Raye was married to Turks and Caicos premier Michael Misick. Allegedly (please note the word allegedly), Rocsi of 106th & Park and the premier had some sort of inappropriate friendship/relationship. Lisa Raye has been very vocal about this information and has had a lot to say in regards of this “situation.” If you peep the video here, you’ll see her say, ““I Would Whoop Her Like My Daughter”. Yikes!


Freedy-O has the full story here. (((I don’t want to add anything to this besides the fact that there are always two sides of the story. We’ve only heard Lisa Raye’s side. Hell, maybe there isn’t another side. Deal w/ a married man, be prepared for the heat? This would be much more interesting if Rocsi would respond, but I’m sure that’s why she’s not.)))