Sex Tape Etiquette

If you are the sex-tape type, no judgement here, you might want to be EXTREMELY careful. I mean, crazy paranoid careful. You don’t have to be ‘famous’ for the footage to leak. A scorned baby-daddy, pissed ex, or flat-out vindictive hater might want to simply embarrass you. But not to fret–you too, can safely make your sex-tape, with these tips.

Compliments of, they’ve provided 5 Rules not to get caught out there. I’ll give you two of the most important.

1- The Evidence. The most important thing is who controls the evidence. You have to understand who your partner is. If he/she an attention whore? Do they spend a lot of time online? Do you know deep down they are a dog? You want to be in control of the evidence. Every “tape” I have made I am the only one who has a copy. Simply put if you have the files he/she can never “expose” you. So it doesn’t matter if you are man or woman you want to be in control of the taping. Legally as soon as both of you agree to be filmed you have dual ownership, but you always want to figure out a way to just have the evidence yourself. Especially for the ladies, don’t listen to all that sweet talk he tells you, he will probably show the tape or send the file to one of his friends. It is normally the friend that does the exposing.  It is in a male nature unless he is a two-minute brother.

2.  Who has more to lose? In the immortal words of Jay Z: “If I shoot you I’m brainless, but if you shoot me, then you famous.” Try to make your tapes with men/women who have something to lose if they were ever released. That way you know it is unlikely regardless if it is you in the tape or anyone  that have no motivation for it to be on WorldStarHipHop

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Next week, Sex-pert Yosh’ll be providing more adult friendly content on this topic and more.