The Life & Times of Mark Cuban’s NBA Trophy + Trophy Rides Shot-Gun

Mark Cuban is still on his NBA high and is STILL (like literally 20 minutes ago) posting photos of Dallas’ trophy. And hell, why not? It looks as if the parade is about to go down in Dallas, so stay tuned. That trophy has partied at Miami’s LIV, rode a first class flight and gawd only knows where else it’s seen and visited. Meanwhile, y’all know I’m ALWAYS in the background, so please peep the reflection of them taking a photo of the trophy in the car AND that blue toe-nail polish that someone is rockin….Disregard my arrows that serve as Captain Obvious. ((Editor’s note…Mr. Captain Obvious means to be irritating by stating the obvious. I’m sure that you have friends that say sh*t that is clear as day and its so damn irritating.))