Devon Franklin Retelling Biblical Story Of The Garden of Eden W/ Live Action Film 

DeVon Franklin

Devon Franklin Retelling Biblical Story Of The Garden of Eden W/ Live Action Film

Over the last few years producer, best-selling author, renowned preacher and motivational speaker Devon Franklin has steadily been making his presence known in the fast-paced world of Hollywood with a series of well-received and financially successful projects. His latest project has just been announced and it’s a new take on a classic tale.

With films such as Miracles From Heaven (2016,) The Star (2017) and the upcoming Breakthrough, Devon Franklin is one of the major players in the Christian-based movie genre. His production company Franklin Entertainment is continuing to keep the ball rolling with a new film that is a visually inspiring take on the story of The Garden of Eden.

The Garden will follow how the first animals and people discover the meaning of friendship, community, and unity in a world that is completely new. However, the twist is that this retelling will be a live-action/ CGI musical. The film will be in conjunction with Fox Family, which is the newly created division that is set to develop films aimed at younger moviegoers and their parents.

Speaking about The Garden, Franklin expressed his excitement at being able to tell the historical tale in a new way, thanks to the wonders of modern technology.

“Most of us know a version of the story of the Garden of Eden, but never before has this story been told in such a unique way and it’s the first time we have the technology to see this story come to life like never before.”

Franklin started Franklin Entertainment in 2014, earning a first-look production deal with Sony Pictures Entertainment. It also serves as a multimedia entertainment company where he is President and CEO.

Tell us, are you excited for The Garden? What’s your favorite film produced by Devon Franklin? Let us know in the comments. 

By Danielle Jennings

Authored by: TJB Writer