Obama Fundraiser Charged An Arm, Leg & Two Kids + Gays Show Disappointment

For most folks that are not involved in the political scene, paying $1,250 to attend a Democratic fund-raising dinner, may seem like a bit much. And that’s exactly what some folks paid on Thursday to hear President Obama speak in Manhattan. So what’s the big deal? Well, 600 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people expected to hear some type of endorsement on same-sex marriage during the fund-raiser, but they didn’t. Nor did they hear that the bill that would legalize it in New York State. According to the NYTimes, attendees didn’t go complete(ly) ape-shit (although that would have been a helluva entertaining story). They reported:

Mr. Obama nonetheless got several bursts of applause and standing ovations along with the heckling — a mix that captured both the frustration of many in attendance with the administration’s policies on same-sex marriage and the recognition that Mr. Obama had achieved more than they would ever get from a Republican president.

Boo! I kid. Peep the full story here.