Rihanna on Being Effed Up Emotionally By Chris Brown, Twitter & Love

Rihanna’s interview for Cosmopolitan reveals some things about her personal life that perhaps the general public didn’t know. Both the July issue of Cosmopolitan and the August issue of Cosmpolitan UK feature our favorite outspoken female, Rihanna. In both interviews, we get the inside scoop on how Rihanna feels about love and relationships post-Chris Brown. Peep a few excerpts.

On how Chris Brown affected her emotionally: “It was coming out in the way I dressed, they way I did my hair, the way I talked, the way I took my pictures, the kinds of pictures I wanted to take. It was a very aggressive and defensive time, and that allowed me to start not giving a shit. I walked around with a very fuck-you attitude.”

On how she got into Twitter: “I was so against Twitter. I couldn’t understand how people were supposed to care what I was doing at any given moment. Then I started to figure out you can treat it like a giant chat room: I can respond directly to people’s questions. It makes it easier to deal with the flak around you because now people have a sense of who you are.” Yes, RiRi we do have a sense of who you are now…every outspoken inch of you. And we love it.

On love: “I’m open to love. But guys should have to earn it. Because the minute they get it, they want something else. Men are like hunters; they like the chase. So you have to keep ’em guessing. Actually I’m like that too. I get bored very quickly. So if someone can make me laugh, that’s the best.”

Valid points, boo!
