Kim Kardashian Tries to Shut Ex-Publicist Up

A few days ago, an ex-publicist of Kim Kardashian, Jonathan Jaxson, shared some surprising information about Kim Kardashian. Jaxson alleged that he and Kardashian staged a number of publicity stunts for the media and reality TV. According to Jaxson, on a number of occasions, events were staged to garner more media coverage for Kardashian. In particular, he claims that he and Kardashian staged the media’s speculation (in 2007) about she and Reggie Bush being engaged. Click here for the audio from Jaxson’s interview.

A few days after Jaxson allegedly exposed Kardashian, Kardashian’s camp responded to the allegations. Kardashian has hired Marty Singer, to attempt to shut Jaxson up (he submitted papers to a private arbitration), as she alleges Jaxson’s statements are damaging and wants $200k in damages. Singer told TMZ,

“Everything that he is saying is false and nonsense … This guy is in it to promote himself for his 15 mins of fame.”

Meanwhile Jaxson responded,

“I have never signed an agreement dealing with confidentiality with Kim Kardashian.  I have an agreement in my possession that does not have either parties signature on it.”

The saga continues….