Tyler Perry Writes Open Letter to 11-Year-Old Sexually Abused Child

Back in 2009 , after the release of the movie Precious (which he produced) Tyler Perry opened up more on his own sexual abuse as a child. Perry shared that while growing up, he was sexually abused by his friend’s mother, as well as three other men prior. And now the actor has released an open letter to an unnamed victim who was sexually abused at age 11, by former Penn State defense coordinator Jerry Sandusky. Perry wrote,
“What you have done is so courageous. The strength it must have taken for your 11-year-old voice to speak out about such a horrible act is something that I didn’t have the strength or courage to do at that age. I knew what was happening to me but unlike you, I couldn’t speak about it because no one saw me. I was invisible and my voice was inaudible. So to think that you, when you were only 11-years-old spoke up — you are my hero! I’m so proud of you.”

Perry also writes that if the victim ever had to go to court to testify against Sandusky, who was indicted on committing 40 counts of sex crimes against boys, he would support him.

“You may have to go through with that trial and you may feel all alone, when you’re on that witness stand, but just know that there are millions of young boys and grown men who are standing with you– including me,” he wrote. “If every man who has ever been molested would speak up, you would see that we’re all around you. You may not know all our faces and names, but my prayer is that you feel our strength holding you up. You will get through this; you’ve already endured the worst part at age 11. Now fight on, my young friend fight on! We are all with you.”