Politicians-Say-The-Darndest-Things: Senator Says 1st Lady Michelle O Has Big A**, Then Back-Peddles

This week, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner received slack for talking about First Lady Michelle Obama’s back-side. Reportedly, someone was ear hustlin’ (i.e. he was overheard on the phone) at a Washington airport saying that the first lady,

“lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.”

Sensenbrenner was recounting a recent conversation that he’d had at church event and he was referring to Obama’s healthy food initiative. Post catching heat for his inappropriate (public) butt comments, he sent a personal message to Obama apologizing. He also released a statement explaining:

“I regret my inappropriate comment, and I have sent a personal note to the First Lady apologizing.”

P.S. Does the first lady actually have a big a** and if so, should she practice what she preaches?

[Yahoo! News]