Tami Roman Apologizes For Dragging Her Daughter Into Reality TV: ‘I Will Never Ask You to Be Involved With BBW Again!’
Everyone has a bad hair or weave day, right? That certainly was the case for Tami Roman’s daughter, Lyric, who both appear on VH1’s Basketball Wives. After this week’s episode, folk hopped on twitter criticizing the appearance of Lyric’s weave. Lyric, who caught the episode and the mentions on Twitter responded on twitter:
I’m pissed! Weave was not poppin on this scene y’all LOL… I had just gotten off a flight…had no time to get it done! Ahhhh…I had to turn that midway through. That hair looked a hot mess SMH. I’ll get em next time LOL…OH WELL! Every Black girl has had a bad weave day before…I’m no different! My privacy & self-love is worth more than any amount of fame.
Her mother also jumped to her defense openly apologizing for introducing her daughters into reality TV. She wrote:
I am SORRY for bringing you into this crazy world of mine and “reality” TV, dragging you out of bed at the last minute to tape when you were sick as a dog…people are mean and I can handle scrutiny and hatred, but you are not built like that NOR are you deserving. Mommy apologizes and will NEVER ask you to be involved with BBW again. You deserve an opportunity to live your life, free of me, my BS and this show. I love you!!!!!
She continued with an Instagram message writing:
That moment you realize…it’s simply not worth it.
Prior to this week, she’s hinted that this may be her last season on the show. With this last incident it seems to be heading in that direction. Nonetheless, what are your thoughts on viewers commenting on Lyric’s hair? Are we being too critical or should she be held to the same standards of being ‘picture perfect’ like the official cast?