Toni Braxton Clarifies Romantic Relationship With Babyface: ‘He is my husband. He just doesn’t know it yet.’
Why they created the new album:
[Babyface] She needed something to sing about. She was ready to quit, she was tired of the business of music and I had to kinda figure out away to get her to come and sing so she would enjoy singing again. So she had to sing about to something she knew about. She wanted to go with the divorce part. I was just saying let’s talk about love and marriage.
Her love life:
[Toni] I’m working on how to love again, falling in love. I like being in love, I like love.
Which of her sisters she is the closest to:
[Toni] Towanda and Tamar. Tamar is the youngest so she is allowed to have her opinion.
Her old school crush on Babyface:
[Toni] He probably knew…I was like his baby sister.
[Babyface] She still does the same thing today….Look at Toni, any shots that she takes. She stands against any man, watch the pose that she makes.
Calling Babyface her ‘musical husband’:
[Toni] He is my husband, he just doesn’t know it yet.
If Toni and Babyface have been intimate:
[Toni] No, he won’t even look at me that way.
Why she filed for bankruptcy and being embarrassed about it:
[Toni] I had no money…A lot of people don’t understand, my second bankruptcy was because I was sick, I have lupus. My show in Vegas got canceled and the insurance wouldn’t cover it. So I had to pay myself..It’s a lot of money. People don’t understand they see the concert, the lights, the band on stage, the artist pays for all that. The hotel rooms, the salary, so then you have nothing left over.
Say you go do a show, you get a $100,000 and artist might come home with $20,000 and people say, ‘I know that b-tch got money she just came home with $100,000′ that doesn’t always mean that. You gotta pay commissions, twenty percent of a dollar and unfortunately the insurance didn’t have to pay…they got off on a technicality because I had pericarditis in the past, before I knew I had lupus and when I got the lupus flare, I had pericarditis again so that technicality is why they didn’t have to pay.
I did reveal it [the sickness]…so that’s millions of dollars for a show that I had to put up and I had to pay that. I had bankruptcy as protection.
I was definitely embarrassed, cause it was like,’ another black woman spent all of her money, she stupid.’
What she learned from filing bankruptcy twice:
I didn’t take a damn financial class cause that ain’t gonna help, thats just life. I do feel fortunate because I have friends that told me, ‘dust yourself off and try again and you gotta get up and try. I look at people like Trump who’s filed a whole bunch of times, Elton John people like them its just life, its just the nature of the business.
If she feels like reality TV has helped her career:
Not at first. It happened when the bankruptcy happened so I was forced to talk about it and I had to live it all over again. I make more money touring, than I would a reality show.
Her upcoming memoir, ‘Unbreak My Heart’:
It’s a challenge to tell my story and I don’t want to tell my family’s story..You have to be very careful and I am kinda very guarded with my family. I think I did a good job of giving you my dirt. I’m very protective of my family, we will beat you down.
What she is looking for in a man:
He has to be a nice guy, that’s important but he has to have a little coin. I’m older..he can’t just be cute..that’s important to me, but I’m old school.
Peep the entire interview below.