John Mayer Compares Kris Jenner To Suge Knight ‘She Could End Me’

Kris Jenner, Suge Knight

John Mayer Compares Kris Jenner To Suge Knight ‘She Could End Me’

John Mayer is hoping Kris Jenner doesn’t look his way. While rumors swirled that he was dating Jenner’s oldest daughter, Kourtney Kardashian, Mayer explained why he wants no parts during a recent interview.

John Mayer

While Mayer first saluted her empire, he also said she reminds him of Suge Knight, the former Death Row executive who’s currently serving a 28-year sentence for a fatal hit-and-run in 2015.

Suge Knight

Mayer said,

 “She is the Yoda of Hollywood serotonin. She has a good grasp on how to make your serotonin just burst in your brain. I was sitting next to her and I was like, ‘You are the ground zero of bliss.’ She was great…I’m also a little afraid of her … she’s kind of a Suge Knight character.”

Kris Jenner

Interestingly enough, Mayer said he’s had his own encounters with Suge Knight to make him come up with this comparison.

“My rule about Suge Knight was, ‘Don’t let him notice you.’ I don’t want to be noticed by Kris too much … I want a nice base level of respect. I don’t want to be too far on her radar. She could end me.”

As for rumors he’s dating Kardashian, Mayer suggested he’s convinced someone on Kardashian’s side started the false speculation.

Kourtney Kardashian

He explained,

“I gotta be honest with you. Little suspicious about the origin of the story. Not sure the call’s not coming from inside the house on this one. I will say, if the call is coming from inside the house, it’s diabolical and genius. Because when people start gossiping about you and someone else, and they put your picture together, it gets real suggestive. You’re like, ‘Well, if I do [date her], then everything falls into place, because they’re already putting us together. So it’s a genius idea. I just think I’m post-celebrity relationship, probably, in my life.”

He added what really upset him about the rumors.

 “The only part that made me upset to any degree was that somebody said when I saw Kourtney, that I said, ‘It was sweet serendipity running into you.’ Which I would never say…because that’s hyper-corny.”

Would you compare Kris Jenner to Suge Knight? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: C.J.