Nipsey Hussle – LAPD Opens Internal Investigation Over Why Getaway Driver Was Sent Home After Trying To Turn Herself In

Nipsey Hussle

Nipsey Hussle – LAPD Opens Internal Investigation Over Why Getaway Driver Was Sent Home After Trying To Turn Herself In

The Los Angeles Police Department has questions about how the Nipsey Hussle case is being investigated. The Grammy-nominated rapper and activist was gunned down outside of his store on March 31.

Eric Holder

While the alleged shooter, Eric Holderhas been charged and is on trial, the mystery woman who drove the getaway car was at one point turned away when she attempted to turn herself in. And the LAPD wants to know why. It has launched an internal investigation to look into it.

The woman, whose identity is being concealed from the public for her safety, reportedly told a grand jury she turned herself in after she saw her car on the news in relation to the shooting. Holder is accused of getting out of her car, going around a corner to fire off gunshots at Hussle and then returning to the vehicle, ordering the woman to drive away.

She explained her reaction when she saw her car in the headlines.

“Oh my God. My car is on here and everything, and I didn’t do anything. I didn’t know this boy was gonna do this.”

Her mom then called the police, who said they were unavailable until 6 the next morning. Once the woman and her mother got to the station the following day, the officer at the front desk told them,

“don’t worry about it… don’t listen to the news.”

The two left the station and had to call another officer before they returned so the woman could give her statement.

LAPD Spokesman Josh Rubenstein backed her story.

“That is true according to the desk officer that I spoke to about it. While the initial indications point to a miscommunication, we have initiated an administrative investigation to ensure all policies and procedures were followed. We will review all statements that have already been given, interview all of the individuals involved, and look for any potential body cam that may have captured the interchange.”

He also said there doesn’t seem to be any ill will on the desk officer’s end. He added that the woman,

“was not making herself clear of what she was doing.”

Apparently, the desk officer thought she just wanted to report that her car was being recorded and on the news.

The woman also told the grand jury that she and Holder ran across Hussle outside of his store. She took a photo with him and Holder and Hussle had a disagreement over “snitching.” Holder and the woman drove off and pulled into a gas station. That’s when Holder loaded a gun and got out of the car, telling her he’d be back. The woman then heard two gunshots and Holder came back to the car ordering her to drive off. She revealed she had no idea about the shooting until hours later.

Authored by: Char