R. Kelly’s Publicist Interrupted By Joycelyn Savage’s Parents During Press Conference: Where’s My Daughter [VIDEO]

R. Kelly, Joycelyn Savage, Darrell Johnson

R. Kelly’s Publicist Interrupted By Joycelyn Savage’s Parents During Press Conference: Where’s My Daughter [VIDEO]

R. Kelly’s publicist Darrell Johnson has been caught in the crossfire after the singer’s multiple arrests this year, and this week was no different.

The Jasmine Brand previously reported that Kelly has been arrested yet again. This time around, he’s been charged with 13 counts including child pornography, enticement of a minor and obstruction of justice.

Johnson attempted to make a statement on Kelly’s behalf but was interrupted by bystanders. It wasn’t just anyone who confronted Johnson. It was Timothy and Jonjelyn Savage, the parents of Joycelyn Savage, 21, who has been living with the singer for years. Timothy and Jonjelyn have insisted that his daughter is being kept against her will and that Kelly is brainwashing her, but Joycelyn has defended the singer and accused her parents of trying to extort him.

She and Azriel Clary, 21, who also lives with Kelly while her parents make the same claims as the Savages, defended Kelly during his explosive interview with Gayle King in March.

During Johnson’s press conference, he said,

“Yesterday evening Mr. Kelly was walking his dogs outside of Trump towers. He was arrested, nothing new… the same charges a decade ago…”

That’s when he was interrupted by Timothy who walked closer to Johnson and said,

“I don’t wanna hear all that. Where is my daughter at? R. Kelly is in there right now in jail. I wanna know where my daghter’s at. Where is she at? Answer that question…Where is Joycelyn Savage? We don’t wanna come to hear your lies.”

Johnson was clearly thrown off by Timothy and Jonjelyn, who was also heard yelling in the background. Johnson broke his silence and said,

“Okay let me talk. I don’t know nothin.”

That’s obviously not what the parents wanted to hear, but they let Johnson continue.

“First of all, I have nothing to do with your daughter. I personally don’t know your daughter. I’ve met your daughter six times. I’ve seen her in and out of Trump towers. I haven’t seen anything suspicious or harmful to your daughter.”

He then denied the Savage family claims that some moved Joycelyn. 

“I didn’t move nobody. I’m not a part of any camp. I haven’t been in Chicago in a week. Y’all coming at me as if I have your daughter. I’m not a part of any camp. I am a contract worker who’s hired to do a job. No different than the people with these cameras right here.”

Timothy later said they went to Trump tower because they thought their daughter was there and they wanted to check on her. They thought she had been moved and heard Kelly was arrested. They then heard about Johnson’s press conference and took that as their chance to confront him. Timothy said,

“We want answers and we want them now. Our daughter’s life is in danger. This is like a living death for our family. [Johnson] is a liar.”


What do you think about Joycelyn’s family confronting R. Kelly’s publicist? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: C.J.