Wendy Williams Says She & Her Next Husband ‘Won’t Live In The Same House’

Wendy Williams

Wendy Williams Says She & Her Next Husband ‘Won’t Live In The Same House’

Wendy Williams has been spotted partying the summer away, but the soon to be divorced talk show host said she wants to settle down and get married again. Williams filed for divorce from Kevin Hunter, Sr. after his alleged mistress had his child earlier this year. Williams and Hunter were married for more than 20 years, and have son 19-year-old Kevin Hunter, Jr. together.

Wendy Williams & Kevin Hunter


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Wendy Williams with husband Kevin Sr. and son Kevin Jr. circa 2016

And while she’s back on the market, she said she wants to get back off again. She told Dr. Mehmet Oz on his daytime talk show,

“I say this all the time … I’m a wife. I’m not a girlfriend and I will get married again. There will be a prenuptial agreement, and by the way, Mehmet, we will not be living in the same house.”

She added that it would be a

“marriage under new circumstances … “

She explained,

“…Like, ‘All right. Let’s stay at your place tonight. Let’s stay at my place tonight … But … you buy the third place. How about that?’?”

She continues,

“I need a man with a full career and his own money and his own situation. I don’t want anything from you, except your love and respect. And, don’t ask anything of me, but love and respect.”

Williams said in a previous interview that she refuses to change diapers at this point in her life.

“Infidelity is one thing, a full baby is a whole ‘nother topic… A baby! I’m not changing pampers, I want to be pampered.”

“Most of my girlfriends have said, ‘You should have left him a long time ago.’ But here’s the thing, I’m not a selfish mom. And I’m a very plotative individual. I will plot on you. And that’s why I’m going into season 11, and he’s changing pampers.”

What are your thoughts on Wendy refusing to live with her second husband? Tell us in the comments.

Authored by: Char