Angela Simmons Reveals She Was In An Abusive Relationship: It Starts Small, Flicking Your Head & The Next Thing You Know Things Are Being Thrown At You

Angela Simmons Reveals She Was In An Abusive Relationship: It Starts Small, Flicking Your Head & The Next Thing You Know Things Are Being Thrown At You

Angela Simmons is opening up about her past love life and revealed that she was once the victim of domestic violence.

During an appearance on The Breakfast Club (via Madame Noire), she explained why she frequently uses her platform to help other women.

“I think being open is not a difficult thing for me, it’s just being honest. The reason I do women empowerment stuff is because I’ve been through a lot. I’ve firsthand dealt with abuse and never really spoke about it and I know there are a lot of women that are stuck and stuff like that, which is why I made my program Pressure Makes Diamonds because it’s not what you went through but what you came out as.”

She added,

“People need to tell their story from where they’re at now, not be ashamed of what flaws and what they have because I went through that quietly, fought my own silent, like public battle because people would never know. It’s hard to get out and I think it needs to be talked about. Women need to protect themselves or get people around them, because you need support in order to get out. You can’t do it alone.”

While she and her family are very close, she said she didn’t tell them what she was going through at first, hoping that it would end.

“It’s like, I think when you’re in it, it’s something you want to get through, kind of. You want to work through it. First of all, you can’t believe you’re in it. You’re like, wait, how did I get here? Then you’re like, it’s going to go away, it’s not going to keep happening. It just starts off small, flicking your head and then next thing you know, things are being thrown at you so it’s like, it just happened so quick and so those conversations really don’t happen with my family until I’m done with it.”

She added that she’s doing much better now, but wants to help as many people who were in her position as she can.

“I’m in a better head space and I know that I’m done and I can focus in and get therapy and move on. But it’s a tough situation, it’s definitely tough to talk about when you’re in it. I know I have found there have been a lot of women who just don’t speak about it and they’re stuck in relationships and marriages or whatever it is, be it they stay for their kids, or they stay because they don’t have financial means to get out of it, but by all means you could wind up not here tomorrow and it happens to women all the time. So I just encourage people to get help. Even if you’re silently getting help, you’ve got to get help.”

She also explained why she felt she couldn’ speak on it.

“I think it’s more of a scared thing. I don’t know if I would have been embarrassed, more afraid or just not sure of what was going on or is this really this person doing this to me? You know what I mean? Because you see different sides of people. They can be abusing you but then they’re loving you at the same time. All of a sudden you’re confused. So it is tough but that’s definitely why I created programs and why I’m really big on women empowerment and all that stuff.”

She didn’t reveal which one of her exes was allegedly abusive, but in the past, she’s been linked to Bow Wow, professional skateboarder Terry Kennedy and her former fiance Sutton Tennyson, who is the father of Angela Simmons’s son, SJ. Sutton Tennyson tragically died last year after a fatal shooting.

See her comments starting at the 18:54 mark.

What do you think about Angela Simmons opening about her past with domestic violence? Tell us in the comments.

Authored by: C.J.