Alex Trebek Says He’s Suffered Depression While Battling Stage 4 Cancer

Alex Trebek

Alex Trebek Says He’s Suffered Depression During Battle With Stage 4 Cancer

We’re still praying for iconic “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek. 

He first revealed he was battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer back in March 2019.

Now, nearly a year later, he’s revealed that he also dealt with depression amid his fight.

Alex Trebek, along with his wife Jean Trebek, spoke with “Good Morning America” host Michael Strahan for an interview that will air Thursday (Jan. 2).

He spoke about the emotional moment when “Jeopardy!” contestant Dhruv Gaur showed him extra love during a Final Jeopardy round. Dhruv Gaur answered the question,

“What is… We [love] you, Alex!” 

Alex Trebek was clearly choked up over the compassionate gesture.

He told Michael Strahan in the latest interview,

“I read it first and then I got choked up because it suddenly registered on me: ‘Oh, dear. OK. Yeah.'”

He added,

 “I don’t mind getting choked up. My oncologist told me one of the symptoms, if you will, of pancreatic cancer is that you get these moments of depression, sadness.”

He was first diagnosed after experiencing severe stomach pains. The doctor gave him the pancreatic cancer diagnosis, and the first person he told was his wife. Still, he added that he wasn’t in a rush to deliver the news

“as quickly as I could have… it was not devastating news to me.”

He explained,

“Throughout my life, I’ve always wondered about how courageous a human being I was. I just look at it as it’s a part of life. Does that mean I’m courageous because I’m dealing with it? No. I could be scared to death and I’d still have to deal with it.”

Jean Trebek also said it’s difficult to see Alex

 “in pain and I can’t help him.”

She also joked that he still drinks

“too much diet soda.”

While Alex previously said he’ll keep hosting the show as long as he can, he revealed that he’s thinking about how to end his final show, whenever that day comes.

“It’ll be a significant moment for me. But I’ve kind of, in my mind, rehearsed it already, and what I would do on that day is tell the director, ‘Time the show down to leave me 30 seconds at the end. That’s all I want.’ And I will say my goodbyes and I will tell people, ‘Don’t ask me who’s going to replace me because I have no say whatsoever. But I’m sure that if you give them the same love and attention and respect that you have shown me…then they will be a success and the show will continue being a success. And until we meet again, God bless you and goodbye.”

Let’s continue to pray for Alex Trebek during this process!

Authored by: Char