Pop Smoke To Be Laid To Rest In Brooklyn This Week, Shooting Suspects Still At Large

Pop Smoke

Pop Smoke To Be Laid To Rest In Brooklyn This Week, Shooting Suspects Still At Large

Fans and industry colleagues were stunned at the news of 20-year-old rapper, Pop Smoke‘s death two weeks ago. According to the New York Daily News, Pop (real name, Bashar Jackson) and his family will finally get a piece of closure later this week when he’s laid to rest in his hometown of Brooklyn.

Pop Smoke

His final resting place will be the historic Green-Wood Cemetery, near where he grew up in the Canarsie area. This was decided after initial plans read that he’d be shipped to Cypress Hills Cemetery. His death certificate reads that Pop died of fatal gunshot wounds to his torso during a home invasion in the Hollywood Hills. The LAPD Homicide Department says that suspects have yet to be identified. Homicide division Captain Jonathan Tippet said:

“The suspects are all still at large. We’re early in our investigation, but getting deeper into it…We are still requesting assistance from the public and anything they can provide us, that would be helpful…We’re not calling this some type of gang feud at this time. There’s no immediate indication the suspects are involved with a gang. It is unknown.”

Pop Smoke’s family issued this statement last week, pleading for information from the public:

“…Within the last year, his extraordinary giftedness was revealed to the world, introducing Pop Smoke. Unfortunately, there are no public details available regarding the murder of our loved one. We ask for respect and responsible reporting during this critical time. Inaccurate reports only add unnecessary pain to a grieving family.”

Rest in peace, Pop Smoke.

Written by Miata Shanay

Authored by: Miata Shanay