Chrissy Teigen On Mike Pence Saying Getting Coronavirus Test Was ‘Invasive’: My Vagina Was Ripped To My A**hole Giving Birth, F*** Your Swab Pain!

Chrissy Teigen On Mike Pence Saying Getting Coronavirus Test Was ‘Invasive’: My Vagina Was Ripped To My A**hole Giving Birth, F*** Your Swab Pain!

Chrissy Teigen has zero sympathy for Vice President Mike Pence after he shared his experience taking the coronavirus test.

He said during a press conference after getting tested over the weekend, according to CNN, 

“The test was quick, but it goes a fair amount to the sinuses and it is not comfortable. That is probably a good opportunity to say again to any American looking on, if you do not have symptoms you do not need a test.”
He added that it was “kind of invasive” and “not comfortable.” He and his wife, Karen Pence, underwent testing after one of his staff members tested positive.
Still, Chrissy Teigen isn’t a fan of Mike Pence’s reaction.
One Twitter user wrote Sunday (March 22),
“Our s***prez is b****ing about how invasive the Covid test is and excuse me, I’ve had multiple hands shoved up my vagina to try to pull out a a single d*** baby – and you are b****ing about a swab up your f***ing nose that could save millions of lives…”
Chrissy Teigen more than agreed and replied,
“my vagina was ripped to my a**hole giving birth to Luna. I had a vaga**hole. f*** your swab pain.”
She added,
“they had to put a garbage bag at the end of the bed to collect my blood before stiching me up, where I then had to pee using a water bottle as a pain fountain for 3 months. so yeah. the swab, I bet it’s super rough.”
She also replied to a Twitter user who shared a throwback of Chrissy Teigen and her husband John Legend shortly after she gave birth. She wrote,
“yep I had one giant vaga**hole here”
What do you think about Chrissy Teigen’s comparison? Tell us in the comments!
Authored by: C.J.