Dwyane Wade ‘Appreciated’ Mike Tyson Defending His Family Amid Boosie’s Transphobic Comments

Dwyane Wade, Mike Tyson, Boosie

Dwyane Wade ‘Appreciated’ Mike Tyson Defending His Family Amid Boosie’s Transphobic Comments

Dwyane Wade is saluting Mike Tyson for defending his family during an interview with Boosie

Boosie made comments about Dwyane Wade’s child Zaya, 13 (born Zion), on Instagram shortly after the NBA star announced Zaya is transgender. Boosie said:

“That is a male. A 12-year-old. At 12, they don’t even know what they next meal gon’ be. They don’t have s*** figured out yet. He might meet a woman, anything, at 16 and fall in love with her. But his d*** be gone — how he gon’ — like, bruh, you going too far, dawg. Like bruh, if he gay, let him be gay. Like don’t address him as a woman, dawg. He’s 12-years-old. dawg. He’s — he’s not there yet. He hasn’t made his final decisions yet…You trippin’…”

Recently, Mike Tyson confronted Boosie about the remarks, even going as far as asking the rapper if he was secretly homosexual.

Now, Dwyane Wade is sharing his thoughts.

He told Central Ave Friday (Nov. 20th):

“I actually talked to Mike about that early in the pandemic. We had a conversation. I appreciated from a standpoint of, you know, Mike is someone who has never tried to be perfect. He is someone who has learned from this journey of life.”

He added that Mike Tyson is

“so smart. He is so educated and knowledgeable about life. For him to be able to drop that nugget on the world, to me, it was great to hear him say that.”

He continued:

“I understand everyone has their own journey to accepting things. I’ve never came out and said anything to anybody that feels a certain way about me or someone else in my family and my loved ones. They don’t know us. They don’t know our heart. They definitely don’t know Zay. So, all I do is what my mama say, ‘Just pray for them.’”

What are your thoughts on Dwyane Wade’s response? Comment and let us know.

Authored by: C.J.