Breonna Taylor – Publisher Simon & Schuster Will No Longer Distribute Book By Officer Involved In Her Death

Breonna Taylor – Publisher Simon & Schuster Will No Longer Distribute Book By Officer Involved In Her Death

Publisher Simon & Schuster has pulled out of distributing a book penned by a Louisiana officer involved in Breonna Taylor’s death.

Jonathan Mattingly wrote the book The Fight For Truth: The Inside Story Behind The Breonna Taylor Tragedy. 

Simon & Schuster released a statement Thursday night (April 15th) that says,

“Like much of the American public, earlier today Simon & Schuster learned of plans by distribution client Post Hill Press to publish a book by Jonathan Mattingly. We have subsequently decided not to be involved in the distribution of the book.”

As previously reported, Jonathan Mattingly and three other officers stormed into Breonna Taylor’s apartment to execute a no-knock warrant. Her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired a warning shot, saying he believed intruders broke into the apartment. His shot hit Jonathan Mattingly in the leg. The officers returned fire, ultimately killing Breonna Taylor.

Mattingly filed a lawsuit against Kenneth Walker for emotional distress in October 2020.

He alleges in the lawsuit that:

“Walker’s conduct in shooting Mattingly is outrageous, intolerable, and offends all accepted standards of decency and morality.”

Kenneth Walker’s attorney responded to the lawsuit and said his client is

“protected by law under KRS 503.085 and is immune from both criminal prosecution and civil liability as he was acting in self defense in his own home.”

He added,

“Even the most basic understanding of Kentucky’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law and the ‘Castle Doctrine’ evidences this fact. One would think that breaking into the apartment, executing his girlfriend and framing him for a crime in an effort to cover up her murder would be enough for them. Yet this baseless attempt to further victimize and harass Kenny indicates otherwise.”

Both Walker and Mattingly took to televised interviews to share their sides of what happened that tragic evening.

What are your thoughts on Simon & Schuster pulling the book? Comment and let us know.

Authored by: C.J.