Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors’ Org ‘Dignity & Power Now’ Allegedly Failed To Tell IRS About $175K In Donations

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors’ Org ‘Dignity & Power Now’ Allegedly Failed To Tell IRS About $175K In Donations

Financial allegations connected to Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors continue.

Dignity and Power Now, which Patrisse Cullors launched back in 2013 to assist black and minority inmates, is being accused of not telling the IRS about at least $175,000 it received via donations.

NY Post reports that the organization brought in at least $225,000 in 2016, but claimed to the IRS it didn’t make more than $50,000. If the group was truly under the $50,000 threshold, it would not be required to file a federal tax return.

Despite the claimed amount, the Resnick Foundation gave Dignity & Power Now $100,000 in January 2016, a spokesman for the Resnick’s Wonderful Company confirmed. The donation is also on Resnick’s 2015 federal taxes, which covers October 2015 through September 2016.

In addition, the California Initiative gave Dignity & Power Now $125,000 (one donation for $100,000 and another for $25,000) in 2016, according to public records obtained by the publication.

The organization is also accused of not disclosing the donations to the California Attorney General, which oversees foundations in the state.

The attorney general’s office said in an email statement,

“Dignity and Power Now registered with the Registry of Charitable Trusts in 2017, informing the registry that they first received funds in July of 2017.”

Conservative watchdog group, National Legal and Policy Center, has responded to the allegations by calling for an audit from the IRS and AG.

NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty said,

“The obvious question is what happened to the money. Given these circumstances, we believe that an audit is in order. Dignity and Power Now purports to speak in the name of the disadvantaged. The IRS must ensure that no one is taking advantage.”

Patrisse Cullors resigned from her role as executive director of BLM’s foundation last month. The decision came weeks after allegations spread that she allegedly used funds from the organization to buy multi-million dollar homes.

But she said the claims against her aren’t the reason for her exit. Instead, she explained that she has contemplated leaving for more than a year and now wants to focus on other upcoming projects like the release of her second book and a TV partnership with Warner Bros.

What are your thoughts on the allegations against the organization? Comment and let us know.

Authored by: C.J.