Donald Trump Questions How LeBron James’ Athletic Skills Would Be If He Got Gender Reassignment Surgery

LeBron James, Donald Trump

Donald Trump Questions How LeBron James’ Athletic Skills Would Be If He Got Gender Reassignment Surgery

Former President Donald Trump still has lots to say about LeBron James. 

During a 2-hour speech in Phoenix over the weekend, Donald Trump joked that if he were a sports coach, he would hire transgender athletes.

“I’ll be honest, look, we all like to win. If I were a coach, I wouldn’t be talking to too many women as we know women. I’d be getting some of these people that … they’re ‘women.'”

He continued and name-dropped the Los Angeles Lakers star (who identifies as male and has never publicly spoken on being transgender). DonaldTrump said,

 “Somebody said that if LeBron James ever decided to get the operation, how would he be? How would he be on the court?”

“LeBron James, you can have him. Did you see the basketball ratings which were terrible? But they went up after his team was defeated.”

LeBron James hasn’t responded yet, but he and Trump certainly aren’t strangers at going at one another.

Trump blasted James in April after James shared a controversial photo and caption of Nicholas Reardon, the officer who fatally shot 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant.

He posted a picture of Reardon just after former officer Derek Chauvin was convicted for George Floyd’s death and wrote,


He later deleted the tweet and explained,

“I’m so d*** tired of seeing Black people killed by police. I took the tweet down because its being used to create more hate – This isn’t about one officer. it’s about the entire system and they always use our words to create more racism. I am so desperate for more ACCOUNTABILITY”

He added,

“ANGER [doesn’t do] any of us any good and that includes myself! Gathering all the facts and eduating does though! My anger is still here for what happened to that lil girl. My sympathy for her family and may justice prevail!”

Still, Trump didn’t hesitate to respond and released a statement shortly after, which D.C. reporter Ben Jacobs share on Twitter.

It reads,

“LeBron James should focus on basketball rather than presiding over the destruction of the NBA, which has just recorded the lowest television RATINGS, by far, in the belong and distinguished history of the League.”

It continues,

“His RACIST rants are divisive, nasty, insulting, and demeaning. He may be a great basketball player, but he is doing nothing to bring our Country together!”

What are your thoughts on Donald Trump’s latest remarks about LeBron James? Comment and let us know.

Authored by: C.J.