Boosie & Ex NFL Player Antonio Allen Arrested For Drug & Firearm Possession


Boosie & Ex NFL Player Antonio Allen Arrested For Drug & Firearm Possession

Boosie is in custody after being arrested following a traffic stop. The rapper and NFL player Antonio Allen, formerly of the New York Jets, were taken in after getting caught with drugs and guns in Georgia. According to reports, the two are being held in Coweta County Jail. They are looking at charges related to possession of marijuana and narcotics as well as possession of a firearm. Boosie is reportedly charged with failure to maintain a lane.


As for the details, police reportedly pulled over Boosie and Allen after a white Dodge Charger they were in was seen driving recklessly, including swerving lanes and getting close to hitting other cars. Authorities say Boosie, whose real name is Torrence Hatch, Jr., was the one behind the wheel. When police stopped the car, it reportedly had a very strong smell of marijuana. They then searched the car and came across not only a bag of marijuana, but a loaded 9mm handgun in the passenger seat, where Allen was. After searching the car further, police on the scene also discovered a bag full of cash and a vape pen.

This isn’t the first time Boosie has been in legal trouble for drugs. He served time in Louisiana from 2009 to 2014 on a marijuana charge.

He was caught trying to sneak drugs into two Louisana prisons, which added more time to his sentence. He was on parole until last year. As for Allen, he played with the Jets after being drafted in 2012.

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Authored by: C.J.