Kylie Jenner Reacts After Fans ‘Come For’ Her Toes + Throws Kendall Jenner Under The Bus & Posts Model’s Toes

Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner

Kylie Jenner Reacts After Fans ‘Come For’ Her Toes + Throws Kendall Jenner Under The Bus & Posts Model’s Toes

Kylie Jenner is no stranger to her body parts being under scrutiny. Years after her plump lips became a go-to meme and GIF (before helping her launch her billion-dollar company Kylie Cosmetics), fans have now found another body part of Kylie Jenner’s to criticize.

This time around, it’s her toes.

Fans pointed out flaws in Kylie Jenner’s toes after she posted bikini snapshots during her vacation in the Bahamas.

She later took to Instagram to respond.

She later came up with the idea to name them.

And then she actually did it, all starting with the letter T.

She also said in a video,

“Okay so everyone wants to come for my toes. By the way I have cute a** feet. And I broke this middle toe in middle school and there’s nothing you can do for a broken toe, so I just had to let it heal how it wanted to heal.”

She then explained,

“So when I flex this up they’re all normal and in place… this little guy is just out of place.

She then tried to turn the attention to her sister, Kendall Jenner, by posting her toes.


Authored by: C.J.