Post Break-Up, Demi Moore Flees to Hawaii

Last week, actress Demi Moore announced her official split from husband of six years Ashton Kutcher. And now the heartbroken Demi has fled to Hawaii for a week of soul searching and cleansing. A friend told The Mirror,
“She’s determined to clear Ashton out of her life but she has been crying and crying. Demi is heartbroken but keeps repeating the same mantra, ‘I have to be strong.’ She’s in Hawaii to do a bit of soul searching. We’re very worried about her.”
Unfortunately, this is Demi’s third divorce–in 1984 she divorced hubby of 4 years, singer Freddy Moore, when she was 18, keeping his surname. And in 2000 she divorced actor Bruce Willis. Meanwhile, reportedly, days before Demi filed for divorce, Kutcher copped her a tricked-out eco friendly car, costing around $100k.

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