Diddy — Ex-Porn Star Suing Music Mogul Sets Long List Of Demands For First Interview

Diddy — Ex-Porn Star Suing Music Mogul Sets Long List Of Demands For First Interview

One of Diddy’s accusers has a laundry list of demands for anyone looking to secure a one-on-one interview with her about what allegedly went down.

As previously reported, earlier this month Sean “Diddy” Combs was hit with yet another lawsuit accusing him of sex trafficking. The accuser, former porn star Adria English, also claimed in the suit that one of the people Diddy demanded she have “forced sexual intercourse” with was famed hip hop jeweler Jacob Arabov, aka Jacob the Jeweler.

Jacob the Jeweler

According to a report from TMZ, the interview requests to hear Adria English’s story are pouring in, however, she has some demands that must be agreed to beforehand. A popular podcaster who tried to get the exclusive on Adria English’s allegations said she requested two first-class flights from L.A. to NYC for herself and her husband, and air travel for her two attorneys. For her stay accommodations, she allegedly asked to be booked at a 4-star hotel, preferably one with breakfast included.

Adria English

The demands didn’t end there. It’s also said she wanted hair, makeup, and wardrobe services on top of food provided throughout the interview day. The list was too much for the podcaster and they ultimately had to pass on the interview. No word yet if someone else or a publication has already swooped in for the exclusive. However, Adria English’s attorney shared that their client’s requests were made by her team and not English herself. They continued, noting that English’s funds are being used for litigation, and she doesn’t have “an abundance of means to conduct press.”

They added the demands are standard industry stuff and,

“Everyone is making money off her story, so she was given options by her team and this is the list they came up with. There was more on the list, but it was chopped down to be essentials only for a 1st interview.”

What are your thoughts on this entire situation? Tell us in the comments below! 


Authored by: Twila-Amoure McDaniel