The Real Reason Kim Kardashian Filed for Divorce

Halloween Monday, Kim Kardashian shocked the world (well maybe not some of us) and announced that after only 72 days, she was filing for a divorce from her husband, Kris Humphries. According to Kris, he was caught off guard. He told TMZ,

“I’m committed to this marriage and everything this covenant represents….I love my wife and am devastated to learn she filed for divorce … I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.”

And while there are a number of theories as to WHY their marriage is ending, Kardashian alleges that the REAL reason why she decided to end things is because Kris was interested in Hollywood. Allegedly, when Kim learned that Kris hired a Hollywood publicist, she told a close friend,

“He’s not in f**king Hollywood.  He plays sports.”

Apparently, he wanted to further brand the Kris Humphries name with club appearances, cologne, etc. We also hear that Kim was highly opposed to moving to Minnesota with Kris. What do you think, is there much more to this story? Stay tuned!