Leslie Jones Calls Out Kevin Hart – He Never Respected Me Or Helped Female Comics, F**k That N*gga!

Leslie Jones, Kevin Hart

Leslie Jones Calls Out Kevin Hart – He Never Respected Me Or Helped Female Comics, F**k That N*gga!

Beef is clearly not limited to rappers like Nicki Minaj and Cardi B. Comedians have been handing out insults like Crabby Patties! In the wake of the Katt Williams vs Wanda Smith incident on Atlanta’s “Frank and Wanda In the Morning,” funny man Kevin Hart took to Power 105.1’s “Breakfast Club” to defend his “Night School” co-star, Tiffany Haddish.

In Katt Williams’ interview, he ripped both Kevin and Tiffany, along with several other comedians, to shreds. Kevin responded by saying it’s important to take advantage of your opportunities, and create new opportunities for your peers. Kevin mentioned that Leslie Jones is “under the umbrella of Katt Williams.” Kevin Hart said:

“He’s got a team of people, which are very funny. Once again, shout out to Red Grant, Monica Camacho, Luenell, Leslie Jones – that was there for a minute. I know them all… I would never shit on them.”
Leslie Jones apparently wants to stay out of the conflict. She told Bossip:
“Real talk both of them ni**as need to keep my name out they mouth unless they using it to eat my p***y REAL TALK!! None of those ni**as put me on or any woman. While he talking about Katt what did he do to put women on he didn’t help females they wasn’t on his tour F*CK THAT NI**A!! At least Katt put me on his tour. Kevin could have put me on a long time ago but he never respected me or my comedy and trust I can call his card he know I can. Both Kevin and Katt was the same to women like all these ni**as in this game. Sh*tty. and still is. Women have never had it good. At least Katt put women on his tour or shows. How many shows back in the day didn’t have a woman on them. Kevin that mf told me one time I would never make it.”
She continued:
“So I’m calling all cards I ain’t got to lie I made it without either one of them. Chris rock was the one who put Me on and Neal Brennan a WHITE comic/writer. Not them!! And I still had To work my f***ing ass off to make it happen!! So nobody is telling the truth! everyone need to shut the f*ck up!! Before I tell whats really real!! And they all know I know. I haven’t said shit about anyone and if I do I keep it real and respectful and honest. What’s upsetting me is anybody SAYING ANYTHING!! Shut the f*ck up and do your f***ing job cause this ain’t it. While y’all on columns downing each other and lying on each other no one is telling jokes. SHUT UP AND DO YOUR F***NG JOB!! Keep my name out your mouth I dont talk about any of you!!”
Ouch! Will the other comedians mentioned by Katt Williams chime in?
Written by Miata Shanay

Authored by: Miata Shanay