Rich People Rumors ::: Angela & Vanessa Simmons Owe IRS $450,478

This comes as a bit of a shocker, only because these two sisters rarely get any negative press. But it appears that Angela (24) and Vanessa Simmons (28), the daughters of Rev. Run and nieces of Russell Simmons, owe “the man”…meaning the IRS. According to The Detroit Press, last year, the state of California filed a $39,538 lien against Angela, while the state of New york hit her with additional liens (in April and May), totaling $159,714.

Meanwhile, her sister, Vanessa reportedly also owes $180,315. Angela was then hit with more liens in April and May by the state of New York totaling $159,714. Combined, the two owe the feds $450,478. No official statement has yet been released. [Source] P.S. Now I feel bad complaining about how much I owe the IRS. Did I just say that?