Drama Kicks Off w/ Real Housewives of Atlanta Cast

The filming has begun for the Real Housewives of Atlanta and so has the drama. According to Reality Tea, a semi-violent “situation” recently occurred between NeNe Leakes, Kim Zolciak and Dwight Eubanks.  This altercation allegedly began in a hotel. Kim and NeNe decided to confront Dwight about rumors that he had circulated about them. It appears that Dwight did not know that this meeting was going to be a confrontation. Long story short, they started arguing, furniture started flying, accusations of personal business started flying as well. This is all alleged.

According to NeNe’s twitter page, this is untrue: Yall gossiping 2 day! Please believe, I don’t hit people & they don’t hit me. If u read better blogs u would have better n4 1:21 PM Apr 20th via Echofon

(((Maybe it’s a publicity stunt to garner attention for the upcoming season. In either case, I’m just tryna see Dwight in heels again.)))