Fat Joe Talks Weight Loss On CNN, “I weighed about 450lbs at my heaviest.”

41-year-old, Fat Joe (real name Joseph Antonio Cartagena) recently made a guest appearance on CNN’s Health “The Human Factor,” to discuss his new, healthier look. Fat Joe has lost over 100 pounds this year alone. Dr. Sanjay Gupta discussed the steps Fat Joe has taken to lose the significant amount of weight, his new healthy life choices and the reason for changing his lifestyle now.

During the segment, Fat Joe explained that he lost 6 friends this year due to heart attacks. Peep a few excerpts

On Beating Diabetes:

“This is breaking news. Even my best best friends on earth don’t know this. I was diabetic for sixteen years, since I was 14. Being that I lost weight, no more diabetes.”

On Representing The “Big People:”

“I think I weighed about 450-460 in my heaviest. And you know, I always took pride in being fat. That’s why my name is Fat Joe. And I always represented the big people, but, I realized at one point that all my big people were dying. “

