[Video] Has ‘Deception’ Been Canceled? Laz Alonzo Addresses Rumors

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When you think of someone with brains and brawns, you may think of NBC’s ‘Deception’ star Laz Alonso, but it may be hard for you to see a correlation between the budding actor and hair care product Mega Growth. Well Mr. L.A. was out helping to promote a recent event thrown by the hair-strengthening brand, Mega-Growth when TJB got the opportunity to chat with him and ask him a few questions. Check out what he believes may be in the future for ‘Deception’ and his take on celibacy. Peep the excepts below.

laz alonso-addresses deception-cancellation rumors-the jasmine brand

On if there will be a season 2 of Deception: 

We will find out in May if we got season 2. We have our fingers crossed, you know Megan and myself. We appreciate all the support we got this year. I mean people love the show and you know we will see what happens.  We have good feelings that we will be back for a season 2.
On reports that he was considering celibacy: 
I  wasn’t but if it was something that I considered I did do, that is something that I would keep to myself. That is something very personal.  Um but I was asked on a red carpet that Megan and her husband practiced celibacy before they got married, if that is something that I would consider and I said yeah. If it is something that meant a lot to the women that I was in love with and that was something a vow that she had with God, I would respect that and be patient. Thats what it was and it just got blown out of proportion.
Fingers crossed for a second season of Deception! Watch for the full interview:

Authored by: tjbwriteratlanta