[VIDEO] Beyonce Tells Atlanta Concert Goer ‘Put That Damn Camera Down’

beyonce tells concert goer-put that damn phone down-the jasmine brand

If you’re at a Beyonce concert, in the front row, you may want to re-think whether or not you’d like to record her during her show. ESPECIALLY, while she’s requesting crowd participation. Recently, the Mrs. Carter Show, made a pit stop in ATL. And if you’ve seen her during this particular tour, then you know one of her final songs is the hit ‘Irreplaceable’, where she asks fans to sing along with her.

And as usual, while in ATL, she performed the Ne-Yo penned hit, telling the audience to sing along. While singing the song, she put the mic in front of a few concert goers, who were in the front row. All was well until one stan was too busy filming her to sing. The 31-year-old star jokingly told the man in question:
You better put that damn camera down!

LOL. Check out the footage.

And in totally non-relevant news, Bey was spotted being a normal person.
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While in Houston, folk caught her shopping at Target and leaving a Houston restaurant.

Authored by: tjbwriteratlanta