Jidenna Used Fashion to Grieve Father’s Death



In a recent interview with Billboard,  Jidenna, who is signed to Janelle Monae’s Wondaland Records, discusses how his father’s death inspired his style, what fans can expect from his new album and preparing for the Grammy’s. Peep some excerpts below.

On how his father’s death affected his style: 

It was my way of grieving, initially, People thought ‘Classic Man’ was processed. But then they ­realized, ‘Oh, this guy actually is that man, and he ­actually dresses like that.’

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On preparing for the Grammy’s: 

I’m sure somebody is going to be like, ‘You should switch it up, get a bit more dapper.’ Or maybe not! Maybe I’ll come in a sweatsuit. Sweatpants and a hat.

On what can be expected of his new album: 

It’s going to sound and feel like, The Adventures of Classic Man… What does he do when he’s not in a suit? What are the ends of his days? Where does he travel?’ I want to give people the multiple dimensions that make me, as a man and as an artist.

Read the full interview here.

By –@authorsequaia

Authored by: TJB Writer