Sherri Shepherd’s Ex Says She Had Him Blackballed In Hollywood, Accuses Her Of Abandoning Their Son Born Via Surrogate: That’s Between You & God

Sherri Shepherd’s Ex Says She Had Him Blackballed In Hollywood, Accuses Her Of Abandoning Their Son Born Via Surrogate: That’s Between You & God

Sherri Shepherd’s ex-husband Lamar Sally had a few words after she criticized him on a radio show. He penned an open letter and accused her of blackballing him in Hollywood. He previously wrote for the ABC series Rodney that aired from 2004-2008. He and Shepherd married in August 2011. She filed for divorce three years later. Shepherd accused him of frauding her after they had a surrogate carry their child, Lamar Sally, Jr. before Sally took her to court for support. At one point, she paid $4,100 a month. She has since had no support or relation to the child, who was born from a donor egg.

In his note, Sally wrote,

“Over the last five years, I have endured you going on numerous talk shows lying about my character. You’ve trolled me on social media and dating websites, you’ve stopped me from getting television writing jobs, you use me and LJ in your comedy act where you tell people where we live and what kind of car I drive. I’ve forgiven you because I know of the trauma you suffered in your childhood but enough is enough. I will not have you lie that the only reason you married me or brought our son into the world was because you were lonely or horny.”

He added,

“We had a good marriage and our son was conceived out of love from both parents. Now subsequently you’ve chosen to abandon him but that’s between you and your God. One day soon he’s going to be able to surf the internet and see all the things you’ve said. Please don’t traumatize him anymore than what you’ve already done. Go back to therapy and work on the real issues that is plaguing you and leave us alone… and stop being so bitter. I’m praying for you. Lamar Sally”

Sally wrote Shepherd the letter after she insulted him on The D.L. Hughley Show. 

She said her friends like Steve Harvey and Barbara Walters tried to stop her from marrying him. Even Whoopi Goldberg refused to attend the wedding. She joked that Kym Whitley only agreed to be a bridesmaid for a free iPad.

Kym Whitley, Sherri Shepherd

She also dished on why she married him to begin with.

“I was in New York doing ‘The View.’ I was lonely. You can’t do things out of fear of being lonely. All of the women at ‘The View’ were amazing but they had lives. Whoopi would go home and eat her brownies, she was gone for the night. Elisabeth Hasselbeck had her family… Joy [Behar] had a [family]. So I was out there by myself. I didn’t have custody of [my son] Jeffrey. I was fighting for custody of Jeffrey. 

She then said she met Sally through her best friend Niecy Nash.

Sherr Shepherd, Niecy Nash

“Niecy Nash introduced me to this person… we had a big blowout. I said, ‘Niecy I will never go out with anybody you introduce me to.’ … Niecy cursed him out. She thought he was a good guy. Niecy is so in love with love… One time he had taken me to court for money, and she called him in her little closet because she didn’t want her husband to hear because her husband and him used to be friends. She cursed him out. He said, ‘If you call me again I’m gonna tell your husband.’ She was going off and all of a sudden she heard behind her, ‘Niecy.’ And it was her husband.”

She added,

“I was raised in the church and you can’t have sex before you get married. I was horny… And we never had sex.”

Authored by: Char