“Performing in front of people is beyond a high. It’s beyond a high that any drug could duplicate. Just being onstage, period, and knowing that there’s so much love out there. I pray before I go onstage with everyone in the room. And I end my show with a prayer onstage. And I’d say maybe 65 percent of the time that I get offstage, I’m so emotionally overwhelmed, I just break down. Sometimes it’s leaving the stage, it’s just like, ‘Get me to my dressing room. I don’t want people to see me like this.’ I just take a minute for myself and just, I thank Him, I praise Him. And I’m like, ‘Thank you, thank you.’ I’m like, ‘Who am I to deserve this?’ We all bleed the same blood.”
DMX Was Arrested For The 1st Time When He Was 10 + Recalls Being Abused As A Child: My Mom Beat 2 Teeth Out My Mouth With A Broom

DMX Was Arrested For The 1st Time When He Was 10 + Recalls Being Abused As A Child: My Mom Beat 2 Teeth Out My Mouth With A Broom
From opening up about being a victim of child abuse to speaking on his hardest time behind bars, DMX got candid in a recent interview. He first joked about not having all of his teeth.
“You have to have teeth to have cavities. I don’t have many teeth left. I think the average person has 36 teeth, right? I have like 20 left.”
He also said his favorite candy is Now and Laters, and he trades a dessert for a drink after dinner. But he’s certainly made up for it in Timbalands, as he noted he’s had at least 1,500 pair over time.

Still, the way two of his teeth fell out is no laughing matter as he explained his mother abused him as a child, but still has love for his mom.
“That doesn’t mean I don’t love her. That doesn’t mean she’s the same person. Children don’t come with a fucking instruction manual. She was 20 when she had me. Four sisters; I’m the only boy. Maybe she didn’t know what to do with me. I found out I just knew things that she didn’t know when I was only six years old. I would get up at night sometimes to drink water because I was so hungry. And I saw something in her notebook that was open on the kitchen table. And it was wrong, so I erased it. I thought I was helping. I don’t know what she thought I was doing, but… I don’t know if she thought I was trying to sabotage her or whatever. I don’t know what she thought. But she beat two teeth out of my fucking mouth with a broom. And I think about this today, I’m like, ‘Okay, you saw me erase something in your notebook. What did you think I was trying to do? What could you have possibly thought I was trying to do?'”
He added that one of his biggest regrets over his career was calling someone a “bum.”
“I referred to someone I didn’t care for as a bum-a** n***a. The minute the words came out my mouth, it was like s*** was coming out of my mouth. I was like, ‘Wow, I never called someone a bum.’ That was a reference to how much money they had and how successful they were. If I don’t like you, f*** you. If it’s f*** you, it’s f*** you. It is what it is, you know what I’m saying? But why would I make a reference to how successful or how much money you had? That was just ugly.”

He went on to note that he can’t vote because he’s a felon, and revealed that his legal woes began when he was arrested twice when he was 10, once for arson and another time for assault. But he said his recent stint in jail was his toughest.
“Because I knew that at any given time I could be smoking a cigarette and enjoying a glass of Hennessy, eating what I want. There’s so much more to life. Before I really had a life, jail was a playground. I’d be like, “I’m going to jail and have fun.” You know what I’m saying? People were sneaking weed in. I was sneaking into different cellblocks and battling rappers and shit. Jail used to be fun.”
He said he spent three months of his most recent sentence “in the hole.”
“You know, police target you. I went to the hole once because I was paying people for their phone time. Because you only get 300 minutes a month. That’s not enough time to talk to my baby. The second time, I got caught with a bag of wine. I bought the wine, and after I paid for the wine, the guy said, ‘Your wine will be done Friday.’ Friday we go to rec… boom. When he handed it to me, it had a hole in it. So I put it in my shirt and tried to walk out. The wine bag fell out when I reached for something in my pocket. I picked it up and tried to walk to my cell real quick but got caught.”

While he said he doesn’t have a top-five rappers list of all time, he did reveal who he believes is the most influential.
“Jimmy Spicer, a.k.a. Super Rhyme. Big Daddy Kane, Rakim…Slick Rick and Kool G Rap.”
He also dished on signing with Def Jam.
“Yeah, it’s good to be back home. I wanted to be a part of Def Jam since 1985, when the movie Krush Groove came out. And I found out that Run’s last name was Simmons, and Russell’s last name was Simmons. And Russell was running Def Jam. I saw the movie Krush Groove, and I was like, ‘Yo.’ And at that point, I was so naive then. I was like, ‘Yo. If I could just meet them.’ And like, ‘Yo, my last name is Simmons too.’ And that’s it.”
And he still says the stage is his home.