J.R. Smith’s Wife Prays For Him & His Alleged Mistress, Actress Candice Patton, Amid Cheating Rumors [WATCH]

J.R. Smith’s Wife Prays For Him & His Alleged Mistress, Actress Candice Patton, Amid Cheating Rumors [WATCH]

The wife of NBA star J.R. SmithJewel Smith, has taken his allegedly cheating ways to The Lord.

Jewel Smith hopped on Instagram to share a video of her sending up a prayer about her husband of three years and father of her three daughters.

Jewel Smith begins the nearly 10-minute video with saying that she’s seen the headlines about J.R. Smith, who is allegedly having an affair with “The Flash” actress Candice Patton. She said she asked God how to handle it, and He told her to pray and

“put it out there. And let that be that.”

She asked God to use her and to have His way before she emotionally began her prayer.

“God I am humbly coming to You, in the mighty name of Jesus, asking first and foremost that You please forgive me for my sins Lord. I ask Father God that You decrease my flesh and You increase my spirit for this prayer is not blocked or hindered. God You know my heart, You know my soul. You knew me even before I was born and You knew I was gonna be at this very exact moment at this time.”

She prayed for J.R. Smith and said,

“Please just cover him with Your blood Lord God, camp your angels around him… I ask in the mighty name of Jesus that You go to him where he is right now, and you shake him up God, You stir him up and You give him the strength he needs to carry on to get through to another day. I ask wherever he is broken, that You fix him, that You heal him Lord, because only You can do it.  God I am asking You as Your servant to please help and heal my husband and please forgive him for he knows not what he do. I ask for grace and mercy over his life. I dispatch my angels to him right now, wherever he is, to give him the strength and the courage to know that he is good enough to get through to another day.”

She went on to ask God to heal J.R. from any pain he’s experienced in the past, and to give him favor, and that God’s will be done in J.R.’s life, and that he develops J.R. into the husband and father he needs to be. She asked God to protect their children

“in the midst of all this foolishness.”

She even prayed for Candice Patton and asked God to

“mend her heart. I pray that You give her grace and mercy through all of this Father God. I lift her up, wherever she is broken, to heal her broken heart, and let her know at the end of the day it is You that can fill all voids. You are the only one that can fill any and all voids in our lives.”

She asked God to pour out His love on them

“cause they’re hurting. They’re hurting God! I ask You to cover them Lord, Father God, in the might name of Jesus. Help Your children!”

She continued and asked God to forgive

“They do not know the path of destruction that is before them Father God, for coming against Your daughter. God, heal them. Heal me! Help me Lord, help them in the might name of Jesus! No weapon God… No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”

She ended with praying with her enemies and those who try to come for her marriage.

“You already got it handled. I know. My praise, my worship, my life belongs to You, in the mighty name of Jesus… Amen.”

See her prayer below.

She received support from the wife of J.R.’s former teammate LeBron James. Savannah James wrote,

“Amen… I love you sis!”


Meanwhile, J.R. seemed to be lifting up his own prayers.

He also said the two have been separated for months.

“IG ain’t a place for relationships!! But God told me to tell y’all I’ve been separated for months He doesn’t understand why His child failed to mention that…#thatsall”

He also cleared off the last six years of his Instagram. Now, his latest post on the social media site dates back to 2013.

Rumors of J.R.’s and Candice Patton’s affair started in October, when they were both spotted at a Halloween party. J.R. fueled speculation when he commented on a photo Patton posted, stating

“my baby don’t like snakes but I do, I do, I doo ooo…”

Cheating speculation went even further when J.R. was allegedly seen walking Patton’s dog recently.

See photos of J.R. allegedly walking the pup below, courtesy of TheYBF. 

What do you think about J.R. Smith’s wife sending up a prayer for him and his alleged mistress? Tell us in the comments.


Authored by: C.J.