Mo’Nique Calls Out Oprah Winfrey For Staying Quiet About Harvey Weinstein ‘When You Are A Part Of A Docu On Michael Jackson & Russell Simmons’

Mo’Nique, Oprah Winfrey, Harvey Weinstein, Russell Simmons, Michael Jackson

Mo’Nique Calls Out Oprah Winfrey For Staying Quiet About Harvey Weinstein ‘When You Are A Part Of A Docu On Michael Jackson & Russell Simmons’

It’s no secret comedienne and actress Mo’Nique has no problem calling out TV personality and media mogul, Oprah Winfrey. Her latest post on Instagram was no different.

Mo’Nique took to the social media app to blast Oprah Winfrey with a lengthy open letter, accusing her of treating people who are accused of similar crimes like sexual assault differently based on their race.

She wrote,

“Dear @oprah,
I felt compelled to write you this open letter after observing the disparity in the way that you seem to treat people, who were accused of the same allegations. You did an interview on the CBS Morning Show and were asked about Harvey Weinstein by Norah O’Donnell, and you said as it pertained to him that you “always try to look at the Rainbow in the clouds, whatever is the “silver lining”. You also said “if we make this all about Harvey Weinstein then we have lost the moment”.”

She continued and pointed out that while Oprah Winfrey appeared to steer clear of claims against Harvey Weinstein, she hosted an HBO documentary, Leaving Neverland, where two men accused Michael Jackson of accusing them of sexually assaulting them when they were boys. Mo’Nique also mentioned that Winfrey signed on to executive produce a documentary featuring some of the roughly 20 women who accused music mogul of sexual assault as well. While Winfrey pulled out of that documentary, called Off The Record, she made it clear she still believed the women, and only backed away because of creative differences.

Mo’Nique continued,

“When you either are, or were going to be a part of documentary on Michael Jackson, and Russell Simmons, how is that not making it all about them? Interestingly, Brother M.J. was acquitted, and deceased, so how is he not off limits? Russell and Harvey are accused of the same thing so in fairness how do you not “support” the accusers of both as you said you did with R.S. or you look for the silver lining for both like you said you did for H.W.? The only difference between the two is there skin color and doesn’t H.W. have way more accusers?”

She went on to speak on her encounters with Winfrey and added,

“My personal experience with you is you’ve watched me as a black women be accused of being difficult for not promoting “Precious” internationally for Lions Gate, at Lions Gate, Tyler Perry and your request, despite the fact my deal was with Lee Daniels Entertainment. And, how are you for black women when you hear Tyler on audio saying I was right and he was going to speak up but you or him still haven’t said a word? When I was sixteen and I meet you at your local show in Baltimore, I told you I wanted to be just like you when I grew up. You responded, “ you have to work really really hard”. My sixteen year old self didn’t know that you in your silence in the face of wrongdoing, would make my life “harder”. Lastly, please consider standing by the people who are right and not just the “right people”. Love you to life,


She also had a few responses to those who were against her speaking out.
What are your thoughts on Mo’Nique’s letter to Oprah Winfrey? Tell us in the comments!
Authored by: C.J.