Megan Thee Stallion: Don’t Let People Discourage You From Pursuing Higher Education, We Need GOOD People In High Places


Megan Thee Stallion

Megan Thee Stallion: Don’t Let People Discourage You From Pursuing Higher Education, We Need GOOD People In High Places

Rapper and Houston, Texas native Megan Thee Stallion continues to encourage her fans to seek out education! Known for her attendance at Texas Southern University, Megan Thee Stallion has always been an advocate for higher education. Last August, she mentioned starting up the trend of a “hot nerd fall” for ladies attending school and explained she had to switch to online classes as a result of her mega success as a chart-topping rap artist:

However, in her recent tweet, she explains that she understands school isn’t necessarily for everyone but she doesn’t want people to discourage others from furthering themselves in education. She wrote,

We need the upcoming generation with better mindsets to become our next lawyers, judges, doctors, etc. We need GOOD people with real morals and values in high places.

As of last fall, Megan Thee Stallion is a third-year student at Texas Southern University, a Historically Black College, where she studied health administration. In a 2018 interview, she confirmed to Billboard that she wanted to open assisted living homes so that her classmates would be able to have jobs there if they needed them.
I thought it would be super easy for my classmates if I just opened up something that they could go get a job at. I knew I didn’t want to be a nurse. And once I started getting super popular with my music, I knew I probably wasn’t going to go to medical school.
While Megan is certainly known for continuing with her education despite her success, she’s also widely popular for her rap presence and capabilities. Just recently, she took her hit song “Savage” to a whole other level when she tapped multi-talented performer Beyonce for the remix. As a result, the song hit number one for the first time on the Billboard Hot 100 chart!

What are your thoughts on Megan Thee Stallion’s suggestion to fans to pursue higher education? Sound off in the comments!

Authored by: Sincerely Liz