Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend Kenneth Walker Is Being Sued By Louisville Police Officer For Emotional Distress

Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend Kenneth Walker Is Being Sued By Louisville Police Officer For Emotional Distress

Kenneth Walker (Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend) is being sued by one of the police officers involved in the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor that took place on March 13th. According to reports, Louisville Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly has filed a civil suit against Kenneth Walker for emotional distress, assault, and battery. Jonathan Mattingly is claiming he experienced “severe trauma, mental anguish, and emotional distress” the night that Breonna Taylor was killed because of Kenneth Walker’s actions.

Jonathan Mattingly’s lawsuit claims that

“Walker’s conduct in shooting Mattingly is outrageous, intolerable, and offends all accepted standards of decency and morality.”

As previously reported, Breonna Taylor was unfortunately killed by Lousiville policemen after they entered her home with a “no-knock warrant” amid a drug investigation. There are conflicting reports of whether the officers announced themselves upon entering the home and Kenneth Walker, a licensed gun owner, thought they were intruders and fired one shot, reportedly hitting Mattingly in the leg. The officers fired back with more than 20 bullets, tragically, killing Breonna Taylor as a result. No drugs were found in the home.

Breonna Taylor

According to Kenneth Walker’s attorney,

“[Kenneth] Walker is protected by law under KRS 503.085 and is immune from both criminal prosecution and civil liability as he was acting in self defense in his own home.”

His attorney added,

“Even the most basic understanding of Kentucky’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law and the ‘Castle Doctrine’ evidences this fact. One would think that breaking into the apartment, executing his girlfriend and framing him for a crime in an effort to cover up her murder would be enough for them. Yet this baseless attempt to further victimize and harass Kenny indicates otherwise.”


Kenneth Walker sat down with journalist Gayle King earlier this month and detailed what took place the night his girlfriend died. He described how he felt when they heard a knock at the door and said:

“I don’t have much room to be afraid ’cause I got someone here that I gotta take care of… At that point, we’re getting up to put on clothes, make ourselves decent to answer the door. Then I grab my gun…That was the one time I had to use it. If it was police and they just said ‘We’re the police’ me or Breonna didn’t have a reason at all not to open the door to see what they wanted.”

Jonathan Mattingly recently did his own interview with Michael Strahan and shared his version of what took place on that tragic night.

What are your thoughts on Jonathan Mattingly’s civil suit against Kenneth Walker? Let us know in the comments. 

Authored by: Twila-Amoure McDaniel