Aoki Lee Simmons Calls Out Harvard Professors For Not Considering Her Modeling Career As ‘Real Work’

Aoki Lee Simmons

Aoki Lee Simmons Calls Out Harvard Professors For Not Considering Her Modeling Career As ‘Real Work’

Aoki Lee Simmons is definitely not afraid to use her voice!

Recently the 20-year-old college student took to TikTok to participate in the latest trend. The short video shows Aoki Lee Simmons using a running greenscreen effect to appear as if she’s being chased by the police. The clip features the rap line “it’s cool when they do it, it’s a problem when I do it, f*ck ‘em” from the song “Back End” by Finese2Tymes. Aoki Lee Simmons captioned the post,

“When professors love being accommodating for students with jobs and work opportunities they “respect” but modeling isn’t real work in their opinions.”

She added,

“Maybe if I had a lacrosse game you’d give me the zoom link?”

In a separate video, she clarified her thoughts and said,

“I’m not comparing myself to students who have jobs that they’re using to support themselves financially or support their families. I was referring to students who are just choosing to start work early because they have an opportunity or they have an interest — and professors [are] kind of picking and choosing what kind of “dreams” are appropriate.”

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Aoki Lee made a few video responses to people who didn’t agree with her initial post.

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However, despite sharing multiple videos explaining what she meant, the model still faced mixed reviews for the post.

As previously reported, last month Aoki Lee Simmons addressed the criticism she faces for pursuing a modeling career while studying at Harvard. She said

“Why am I going into a field that doesn’t necessarily require a degree, or require a whole lot of book smarts, when I have a lot of education? One, because I love it. I think we should normalize you liking something. You don’t have to do what you’re immediately good at.”

She added,

“I would like to change the idea that you can’t be smart and pretty, or you can’t be smart and enjoy your looks, or enjoy a creative/beauty/fashion-based career. One, that requires plenty of smarts. Two, you can be two kinds of people in one person. That’s really who I am.”

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What are your thoughts on this entire situation? Tell us below! 

Authored by: Twila-Amoure McDaniel