Dana White — DL Hughley & Jamie Foxx Want Media To Cover UFC President’s Domestic Dispute The Same Way They Would A Black Man

DL Hughley, Jamie Foxx, Dana White

Dana White — DL Hughley & Jamie Foxx Want Media To Cover UFC President’s Domestic Dispute The Same Way They Would A Black Man

DL Hughley and Jamie Foxx are not here for the skewed coverage Dana White has been receiving.

The entertainment leaders concur that UFC president Dana White‘s domestic dispute with his wife would be covered much more extensively if he were a Black man. DL Hughley said,

“If Chris Brown, Bobby Brown, or Antonio Brown did what Dana White did, the media wouldn’t stop talking about it!! What can Brown do for you?[…] Be White!!”

DL Hughley x Dana White

In his caption, he added,

“What can BROWN do for you?” Apparently, not a damn thing! If that had been a brotha, it’d be NONSTOP coverage, dredging up a playground fight from the 3rd grade, scouring old tweets, you name it,” he said. “Dana White’s ENTIRE LIFE is immersed in brutal, physical violence, he’s amassed a fortune from it. Where are the salacious headlines?? Where’s the pressure?? Ohhhhh, he apologized? White Privilege(PUN INTENDED) scores a 1st round knockout yet again.”

Jamie Foxx agreed, commenting and telling DL Hughley to “f*cking preach!!!!”

Jamie Foxx, Dana White

As previously reported, Dana White made headlines after video evidence emerged of him and his wife arguing and getting physical during their New Year’s Eve celebration in Cabo, Mexico.

In the video, you see White say something to Anne White, at which point she reacts by slapping him in the face. The UFC honcho retaliates, slapping her back in the face before the two are separated by onlookers. Eyewitnesses in the club said they both appeared to be heavily intoxicated.

White has since issued an apology for his actions, in which he referenced his wife and their children, saying,

“You’ve heard me say over the years, ‘There is never, ever an excuse for a guy to put his hands on a woman,’ and now here I am on TMZ talking about it. My wife and I have been married for almost 30 years. We’ve known each other since we were 12 years old. We’ve obviously been through some sh*t together. We’ve got three kids.”

He continued,

“This is one of those situations that’s horrible, I’m embarrassed – but it’s also one of those situations that right now we’re more concerned about our kids. We have three kids and obviously, since the video popped up, we’ve shown the kids the video and we’re more focused on our family right now.”

White went on to claim that he isn’t making excuses for what happened, adding that it’s the first time it’s happened and he deserves whatever backlash he receives. He added,

“I’m literally making no excuses for this thing at all. It’s never happened before. It’s the first time it’s ever happened. People are going to say what they’re going to say and it is what is. Whatever people say is deserved. I deserve it.”

What are your thoughts on the entire situation? Let us know in the comments!


Authored by: S. G.