Kylie Jenner Labeled ‘Morally Corrupt’ By Second Fashion Designer Accusing Her Of Stealing Ideas From Their Brand

Kylie Jenner, Jessica Johansen

Kylie Jenner Labeled ‘Morally Corrupt’ By Second Fashion Designer Accusing Her Of Stealing Ideas From Their Brand

Reality star Kylie Jenner is once again being accused of fashion theft.

The beauty mogul has been catching heat from social media users across the internet after yet another fashion designer came forward, claiming her ideas were stolen.

Kylie Jenner

An entrepreneur named Jessica Johansen, owner of an eponymous fashion line, alleged in several social media posts that Kylie Jenner’s newest business venture, a clothing brand called Khy, ripped off one of her signature collections. In a video posted to TikTok, Johansen stated:

“Am I tripping or did Kylie Jenner just rip off my entire collection?”

Continuing, the entrepreneur stated that her pieces in question were first released in 2020 and revealed that her brand has actually styled Jenner in the past. She added:

“I’ve had Johansen for like 10 years now…we launched a collection so similar to the one she just launched but we launched ours three or four years ago and its been our signature range ever since…we’ve dressed Kylie before so I just thought it was old stuff. But I’ve been getting so many DM’s I started looking into it…I was shocked,”

Johansen went on to share several side-by-side photos of the pieces from Jenner’s collection compared to her own creations.

Later in the video, Johansen stated that she reached out to Jenner’s team about the matter and got a disappointing response about how they “developed these designs through hard work and innovation.” It appears the explanation was not, at all, satisfactory for the small boutique owner. Following the TikTok video, Johansen took to her business’ Instagram page to double down on condemning Khy, further accusing the Jenner-owned brand of stealing ideas for mass production profit and significantly undercutting her chance to thrive as a small business owner. She wrote in the message:

“I respect young women who truly are innovators in their field, however monetising someone else’s intellectual effort, concept, and mass producing their unique collection, without their consent or in collaboration with Johansen, for a fraction of the price is destructive, disheartening, and morally corrupt. My quality dresses retail for $329, and Kylie’s fast fashion price point sits somewhere between $52-98 and is simply a price I can’t compete with and is unsustainable for quality. A larger scale fast fashion company knowingly undercutting a smaller brands intellectual effort and products for fast profit purposes is simply something I will never respect.”

Unfortunately, the likelihood of Johansen having a real legal case against Jenner is reportedly pretty small. As some social media users pointed out, the issue with fashion intellectual property is that designs go in and out of style. Specifically, Johansen’s signature shoulder strap pieces aren’t necessarily the first of its kind. One report notes that in order for her to get the justice she’s seeking, it will ultimately be up to consumers to decide if Jenner is truly guilty of theft and simply choose not to support her brand. And judging by the comments, it seems safe to assume that many feel the millionaire is in the wrong.

Unfortunately for Jenner, this isn’t the first time her fashion brand has been accused of taking advantage of smaller designers she previously worked with. Two days after debuting Khy in October of last year, another designer named Betsy Johnson, (different from fashion powerhouse Betsey Johnson) slammed the entertainer. Johnson alleged she had a meeting with Jenner’s team right before they dropped their first line, and was shocked to see several of her pieces were included in the collection despite the brand deciding not to collaborate with her.

It does not appear that Jenner nor her brand has responded to their latest accusations of theft at this time.


Do you think Kylie Jenner’s team is guilty of theft? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: Kay Johnson