Jennifer Lopez Recalls Director Wanting To See Her Breasts: I Stood Up For Myself, Luckily A Little Of The Bronx Came Out

Jennifer Lopez Recalls Director Wanting To See Her Breasts: I Stood Up For Myself, Luckily A Little Of The Bronx Came Out

While it seems like all things concerning the #MeToo movement have quieted down, Jennifer Lopez is detailing a scary incident she experienced back in the earlier days of her career.

She explained that during a costume fitting, one director wanted her to show him her breasts.

“He wanted to see my boobs and I was like, ‘We’re not on set.'”

She said that while she refused, it was still a moment where she was afraid.

Jennifer Lopez

“And I said no; I stood up for myself. But it was so funny because I remember being so panicked in the moment. And by the way, there was a costume designer in the room with me. So there was another woman in the room, and he says this and I said no. Luckily a little bit of the Bronx came out, and I was like, ‘I don’t have to show you my—No. On the set, you see them.’”

She then pointed out that when others in her situation give in, that only opens the door for more harassment and misconduct.

“If you give in, in that moment, all of a sudden that person is off and running, thinking they can do whatever they want. And because I put up a little boundary right there and said no, he laid off and then later on apologized. But the minute he walked out of the room, the costume designer was like, ‘I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that just happened.’”

Jennifer Lopez

She also previously detailed the incident during an interview in March 2018. She explained,

“I haven’t been abused in the way some women have. But have I been told by a director to take off my shirt and show my boobs? Yes, I have. But did I do it? No, I did not.”

She revealed it happened during one of her very first movies, which made it more intimidating for her to stand up for herself.

“When I did speak up, I was terrified. I remember my heart beating out of my chest, thinking, ‘What did I do? This man is hiring me!’ It was one of my first movies. But in my mind I knew the behavior was wrong. It could have gone either way for me. But I think ultimately the Bronx in me was like, ‘Nah, we’re not having it.’”

What are your thoughts on J. Lo’s experience?

Authored by: C.J.