Mo’Nique Sues Netflix For Racial & Gender Discrimination


Mo’Nique Sues Netflix For Racial And Gender Discrimination

Mo’Nique has had it with Netflix! Now, she’s suing the streaming service for discrimination.

Fans might remember that Mo’Nique called out Netflix for only offering her $500,000 for a comedy special while offering other comedians like Chris Rock $40 million, and giving Dave Chappelle $60 million for three specials in 2016. The lawsuit also pointed out that Amy Schumer was initially offered $11 million and before Netflix boosted her pay to $13 million after the offers for Rock and Chappelle were extended. Funny guy Ricky Gervais was also offered $40 million for two specials.

According to the lawsuit,

“When the talent was not a Black woman, Netflix offered to pay, and did pay, astronomically more than it pays to Black women like it offered Mo’Nique.”

It adds,

“Thus, Netflix reportedly offered or paid Rock, Chapelle, Degeneris, and Gervais forty (40) times more per show than it offered Mo’Nique, and it offered Schumer twenty-six (26) times more per show than Mo’Nique. In short, Netflix’s offer to Mo’Nique perpetuates the drastic wage gap forced upon Black women in America’s workforce.”


It called out Netflix’s Board of Directors, stating that it has

“historically lacked racial diversity and, instead, has been white-only for years. For years, the Board lacked even one Black member — let alone, a Black female.

She added that in 2018, only 4% of its employees were Black workers and only 6% in 2019.

The lawsuit also accuses John Friedland of using the n-word in a meeting when he was the Chief Communications Officer for the company in 2018. He then allegedly used the word again during a meeting with Black human resources employees as he explained the incident.

While Netflix later fired him, Mo’Nique’s lawyer, Michael W. Parks, said,

“Netflix is one of Hollywood’s most innovative companies, yet it not only perpetuates racial and gender inequality, it also takes advantage of a gender pay gap that disproportionately affects black women. When Mo’Nique, one of the most well-known black female comedians in America, faced that anachronistic attitude, she knew it was time to challenge the status quo.”

Mo’Nique took to social media to confirm the lawsuit.

Mo’Nique first revealed her issues with Netflix when she called for a boycott in early 2018.

Since then, she has been very vocal about her issues with Netflix, including a controversial appearance on The View. 

She also denied signing a $10 million deal with Netflix.

Do you think Mo’Nique has a case? Tell us in the comments.


Authored by: C.J.