Cardi B Lashes Out At Young People After Bernie Sanders Drops Out Of Race: Y’all Wasn’t Voting!

Bernie Sanders, Cardi B

Cardi B Lashes Out At Young People After Bernie Sanders Drops Out Of Race: Y’all Wasn’t Voting!

Cardi B expressed her frustration after Bernie Sanders dropped out of the presidential race earlier this week. During a 30-minute rant on social media, Cardi B blamed the younger voters for not backing up their support for him at the polls.

“I see a lot of young people on the internet always lying! Y’all young motherf***ers, I’m getting sick of y’all. I’m about to start hanging out with my grandma’s friends, because they vote. Y’all don’t vote, and that s*** is getting me tight… Y’all be like, ‘We love Bernie’, but y’all wasn’t voting! Y’all wasn’t voting! What was up with that?!”

She continued,

“Now you know who be voting? Older people. People that don’t give a f*** about going to college. ‘I don’t give a f*** about going to college and s***. I went to college in 1950, why do I give a f***? I don’t care about being healthy and medicare… I’m living off my pensions, I worked my whole life, I’m living good.’ Those are the people that are voting. And ’cause of that, that means Bernie is out the race. And now, we gotta vote for [Joe] Biden.”

She said that she’s not familiar with Joe Biden, who’s the assumed Democratic nominee now that Bernie Sanders has left the race, but she plans on doing her research.

Joe Biden

“I do not want 45 to be president again. This is very serious, and y’all not taking it serious. Right now, the stat that America is in, we got no time to play around. You really gotta think about yourself. We’re about to go to another recession. If you think that after the Boronavirus is gone, it’s finished… that it’s gonna go back to normal, you’re wrong!”

She went on to go off about current president Donald Trump, saying he doesn’t care about minorities. Meanwhile, she said Bernie Sanders

“has been fighting for minorities since Martin Luther King!”

Donald Trump

Cardi B was very vocal about her support for Bernie Sanders during his campaign.

She said back in July that voters “let him down” in 2016, when he lost the Democratic primary to Hillary Clinton. 

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Hillary Clinton

She also did an interview with him to help him speak on his platform and issues.

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Authored by: C.J.